Google+ Mommy Moments with Abby: Eagle Pose or Garudasana

Monday, January 6, 2014

Eagle Pose or Garudasana

This weeks’ yoga pose is Eagle Pose/Garudasana. When doing Eagle Pose with kids remember to never push them past their abilities and be very careful with this pose as it’s easy to get hurt! Each week, 2-3 days, we do a 15 minute yoga work out in my home daycare. Kids from 1 1/2 to 4 do this and while each does as much as they are able and in a way they are capable of they all get a nice stretch, a scheduled work out time, and some fun new body movements. We do the somersaults, and then add a few jumps, hops, new yoga pose, and teacher assisted somersaults at the end.
This pose should not be done with babies! In doing these poses always consult a doctor first, only attempt what is in your child’s ability level, and do what is comfortable for your and their body. These are only suggestions and like any exercise you and your children try them at your own risk, I am not there to show you and see what your body is saying so I can only offer these on a very basic level. Make sure to wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in, have a yoga mat to work on and do not wear socks because of the risk of slipping! Lastly, always remember to smile.

Let me start with saying that for this pose requires some additional stretches before you have any child attempt it, once you've done some work out movements like touching toes, knees to chest, or a half squat plus some running, jumping jacks or other exercise to warm up the muscles you can get started. Again, only do this if your doctor and pediatrician say that it’s alright. Start with feet together.  Inhale, reach for the sky.  Exhale bring arms down by touching their two fingers together and making a wide circle with them until their fingers are pointing down to their toes.  Now, bend one elbow so the hand is at the chest. Take the other on a twisty journey and wrap around the first arm like a snack, put hands together and a prayer they make.  Now, bend at the knees like your sitting down on a chair, but hover instead in the middle of air.  Unwind and stand, now raise your hands up to the sky.  Wave goodbye to the sky then lower your hands to your heart and breath with a smile.  It's time to do the other side.  This time switch the arm that becomes the snake!   Inhale, reach for the sky.  Exhale bring arms down by touching their two fingers together and making a wide circle with them until their fingers are pointing down to their toes.  Now, bend one elbow so the hand is at the chest. Take the other on a twisty journey and wrap around the first arm like a snack, put hands together and a prayer they make.  Now, bend at the knees like your sitting down on a chair, but hover instead in the middle of air.  Unwind and stand, now raise your hands up to the sky.  Wave goodbye to the sky then lower your hands to your heart and breath with a smile. 
NOTE: This is a good eagle pose for kids.  Advancing to the balance portion may be too difficult for a little body to achieve without injury.  

Remember when working on this pose to offer stories of soaring eagles and accept the place your little one is in their bodies and with their movements.  Always take care not to press them past their abilities and have fun!  Namaste! 

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